Wences, A. H., Peñaloza, L., Steinrücken, M., Siri-Jégousse, A.: The TMRCA of general genealogies in populations of variable size. [Preprint at bioRχiv]
Fine, A.; Steinrücken, M.: A novel expectation-maximization approach to infer general diploid selection from time-series genetic data. [Preprint at bioRχiv]
Cheng, X.; Steinrücken, M.: diplo-locus: A lightweight toolkit for inference and simulation of time-series genetic data under general diploid selection. [Preprint at bioRχiv]
Klunk, J., Vilgalys, T. P., Demeure, C. E., Cheng, X., Shiratori, M., Madej, J., Beau, R., Elli, D., Patino, M. I., Redfern, R., DeWitte, S. N., Gamble, J. A., Boldsen, J. L., Carmichael, A., Varlik, N., Eaton, K., Grenier, J., Golding, G. B., Devault, A., Rouillard, J., Yotova, V., Sindeaux, R., Ye, C. J., Bikaran, M., Dumaine, A., Brinkworth, J. F., Missiakas, D., Rouleau, G. A., Steinrücken, M., Pizarro-Cerdá, J., Poinar, H. N., and Barreiro, L. B.: Evolution of immune genes is associated with the Black Death.Nature 611, pp. 312–319 (2022)
Birkner, M.; Blath, J.;Möhle, M.; Steinrücken, M.; Tams, J.: A modified lookdown construction for the Xi-Fleming-Viot process with mutation and populations with recurrent bottlenecks, ALEA Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 6, pp. 25-61 (2009) [Preprint at arXiv:0808.0412]